Friday, May 9, 2014

Grid _Tie Inverter 90% effeciency

The 100% working Grid - Tie Inverter 90% efficiency

Testing the temperature of core and coil of the power transformer all is in normal rating

The circuit diagram x1 and x2 are optional also the power transformer output filter are optional. For me at the moment i use 50amps diode as x1 and not using x2 and the secondary i used filter from old tv 220vac. Also TR1-4 is purely optional.

I install fan, just to make sure always in cool temperature the power transformer

Note: next i will build the control make it more more efficient.

As per my source the control circuit is no need..just simple contactor acting as a switch..i will explain  further and post a diagram.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please note that what im doing here is for experiment purpose only! Please make sure you understand all the local law in your area before building this unit.

Kindly be cautious for everything...!